Welcome to Ethos Mercatus

A blog to Think, Learn and Become.

Journaling for ME

Journaling is writing down one's thoughts, feelings, and experiences in a journal or notebook. It is a powerful tool that allows individuals to reflect on their lives, gain clarity, and improve their mental health. Journaling has been shown to have numerous benefits,...

A Simple Question “Who am I?”

Only you can honestly answer that question. After all, you are the expert on yourself! However, I'm here to help you explore your identity and learn more about yourself. Let's start by asking some questions: What are your passions? What are your strengths and...

Welcome to Ethos Mercatus

Welcome to Ethos Mercatus. A place to Explore, Think, and Become. I am thrilled to have you here and hope you will find everything you need to explore, think, and become the best possible version of yourself. At my core, my mission is to help you get to know yourself...